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Zhonglian Successfully Held External Audit


Zhonglian successfully held external audit on 11th-12thAugust. This audit includes three parts, the opening meeting, site audit and the ending meeting. Mrs. Zhang Weimei, the head of audit group from Shanghai Audit Center of Quality System, represented all 9 teachers to have an introduction about the audit plan on the opening meeting. During the site audit, experts had a full detail check on all departments’ work. On the ending meeting, all teachers collected all the problems found during audit, pointed out deficiencies as well as raised some valuable suggestions.

At last, Mr. Feng Jianxin, the general manager of Zhonglian made a conclusion. He said that the annual external audit activity is a very precious learning opportunity for Zhonglian. There are maybe still some deficiency on manufacturing management, all Zhonglian staff must continue to improve and try to avoid the same problems in audit depending on the issues raised by teachers this time.

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