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Deputy Mayor of Suzhou Visited Zhonglian


Suzhou Industrial Economic Operation Analysis Meeting was held on May 12thin Changshu city. Mr. Xu Meijian, deputy mayor of Suzhou, paid a visit to Zhonglian new plant construction site at 9:00 AM to learn latest development. This is a project of an annual capacity of 400,000MT polymer material. Mr. Zhang Jianqiang, secretary of the party committee of Shajiabang Town as well as Mr. Feng Jianxin, the general manager of Zhonglian Company, accompanied Mr. Xu on the visit.

Mr.Feng Jianxin reported the development of Zhonglian in recent years and details about the new plant construction at site. Mayor Xu highly appreciated the achievement of Zhonglian and was confident about future development. He suggested Zhonglian to pay more attention on research & development of new product and talents cultivation, trying to make more contribution to the economic development of Shajiabang Town.

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